Thursday, August 11, 2011


I never understood addiction,
Drugs, alcohol, sex, I have all done without.
A friend once gave me a drug,
And I caught a glimpse of the possibilities for feeding a need!
Still, I walked away uncaught by it all.
I was strong then!
And then I came here.
Still, it took time,
Sucking me in so sweetly, sliding, slipping, silently, surreptitiously, succoring, suckering, seemingly inviting.
Old familiar friends, family, foes, are all here.
I cannot wait to see them every day, night, morning, evening, weekday, weekend
Neglecting work, school, chores, social events, still I miss nothing,
Except venomous words of those, I do not esteem.
Would there were more hours, to spend with them all.
How can I escape this madness?
I see only its glory, grandeur, and magnificence, dismissing all the baiting, biting, beating, bleating and bleeding, the perfidy, and the poverty and paucity of spirit.
A plethora of poets, pundits, paupers, princes, priests, playing, plying, performing powerfully for all.
Yet, I wonder who I am in the midst of all this.
Mother, sister, lover, mistress, flirt, inamorata, confessor and confessed, yes, all of these and more, fulfilling their needs and mine.
We come together and help, hurt, heal, hinder, horrify, each other and ourselves.
Offers of love, lust, adoration, beguiling the caring, curious, crazy codependents
Feeding my needs instantly, available every minute, every hour of every day
Who needs real people, where there are invitations, proposals, propositions, pitches, plans, and schemes, here to satisfy any taste or inclination?
Don’t even want to get away; think I will stay.


She needs a man
   Who is strong enough
       To withstand the
           Waves of passion
               She looses
                   On the world,
                       In Delight of it’s wonders.

                              He wonders at the fury
                                  And fears the day
                                      She will turn it
                                          Against him.
                                              So he flees
                                                  The passion
                                                      For which he yearns.
                                                      She yearns to awaken
                                                  The passion she sees
                                               Deep within him.
                                           Almost certain he fears
                                       The resulting fury,
                                   As he plays the role…
                              Missing the ecstasy.

                       He gives her ecstasy
                    So compelling,
                She rages when
           He is gone.
        Passions seething,
   Awaiting his return,
To charm and delight.

Who will delight?
   Whose passion will ignite?
       The fiery mistress, or the
            Master of nonchalance.
               The inferno will
                   Reduce them to ashes
                       And begin healing…
                             Healing those who
                                                    And delight
                                                       In another…..


They’re All No Good

They’re all no good.
                                 Men, that is.
                                                             But we love them anyway.       

Anyway, we’re no better.
                                Women, that is.
  But they love us in spite of that.
That’s good.
                             ‘Cause what else,
                                     Is there?

The Whole World Is Family

I love a window seat,
Whenever I fly.
But not this time,
When I came to New York.
I didn’t want to see the skyline,
And how different it would be.
I grew up here in New York,
And we are proud of our city.
But it doesn’t look the same,
Since they knocked her down.
I went to ground zero today,
It’s been four years since.
It hurt to think other human beings,
Could hate us all so much.
They called it a war,
I just don't understand,
How anyone can hate that much
But then just look 
Family wars

Boy Toy

He likes chick flicks

And porn movies

And making me laugh

I like to laugh

Our eyes lit up

When we met

We were brilliant

In everything we said

We laughed

And said good-bye

I should have let it go at that

But he came back

And I let him in

He likes my mind

And my popcorn

And the history channel

And making me laugh

He stayed

And I slept through the night


In his arms

We laughed

And said goodbye

I saw him

At my friends house

And he said

He would hurt me

We didn’t laugh

And said good-bye

But he came back

And I let him in

I cooked

And he loved it

And he stayed

For a week

We laughed

And said good-bye

Next time we fought

It took a long time

But he came back

And I let him in

We laughed

 And said good-bye

And he came back

And I let him in

And we laughed

And said good-bye

Then he came back

I didn’t want

To let him in

But I did

And he cooked

And told me he loves me

And we said good-bye

It took a long time

But he came back

And I let him in

And we laughed

We said good-bye

And he came back

And we said good-bye

And he came back

And we said good-bye

And he came back

I always let him in

And we would start out laughing

And loving

And we said good-bye

Dozens of times

Don’t fall in love

With a Boy Toy

Next time

I won’t open the door

Yeah, right

I don’t believe that

Do you?

Pray for me
